Sport is an integral part of Kilvington’s curriculum. We are passionate in our belief that physical wellbeing yields numerous benefits for our students, including enhancing their mental, social and emotional wellbeing, as well as academic performance.
Our purpose built sport centre boasts a full size basketball court, fitness room, and dance studio as well as additional classrooms.
- athletics
- swimming
- cross-country
- volleyball
- cricket
- football
- softball
- netball
- basketball
- tennis
- soccer
Kilvington is not an APS School, which means that students can support and participate in community sport on the weekend. We are associated with the Eastern Independent Schools Melbourne (EISM) Sporting Association which has a proud history of facilitating and conducting mid-week sport competitions and sporting events in the eastern region of Melbourne for the benefit of co-educational member school students. Kilvington is a proud member of EISM and has performed consistently well over the last few years.
Kilvington's Athletics and Swimming teams are in EISM Division 1.
To support Kilvington’s Sport program, a lunchtime and after-school training program has been implemented.
All Years 5 to Year 11 students participate in training of their sport with their team each week. A Sports Club is held once a week after school for Years 2 to 6 students.
Sport is compulsory from Years 5-11 and optional for Year 12.
The Kelpies Running Club is open to staff, students (from Year 3) and parents. They meet at every Tuesday morning from 7.25am – come rain, hail or sunshine!