Global Connections
“As our collective world gets smaller, the worlds in which we individually engage become more numerous and complex”
— David Perkins
This program provides our students with a global perspective that exposes them to different languages and cultures, and to prepare them for a highly connected world.
Kilvington has developed strong partnerships with internationally-based schools in France, Japan, Indonesia, and China.
Each year students have the opportunity to travel to our sister schools as part of study, cultural or sporting tours, host students from these schools, as well as collaborate on projects using technology such as Skype.
For more information email
While I had been to France before – it was as a tourist, so I found the experience of being on exchange quite different. By immersing myself in daily life, I was able to consolidate my existing knowledge of French as well as accelerate my learning. I also gained greater confidence through adapting to and overcoming adversities daily. While the trip was daunting at times, it was also a great learning experience.
— Student - Year 9